Placement Manager
Add a name for the placement. This is for your own reference only and isn't shown anywhere.
Set the status for the Placement. You can create them and leave them as Inactive if you don't want them to appear yet.
Select the code type for placement you'd like to add:
Ad - A custom Ad placement. Uses the Ad code on the Ad settings page. Ads have to be enabled or this won't work. Be aware, Facebook has strict rules. Please familiarise yourself with them first.
Custom Content - Any custom content or text you'd like. This HAS to be correctly formatted for Instant Articles as it doesn't run through the parser. You can optionally use any of the below template tags:
- {name} - Your site name
- {description} - Your site description
- {url} - Your site URL
- {stylesheet_directory} - URL to the directory of your active theme (child themes take precedence)
- {template_url} - URL to the directory of your active theme (parent theme if using a child theme)
- {plugins_url} - URL to your plugins directory
- {content_url} - URL to your wp-content directory
- {post_permalink} - Permalink of the current post
- {post_title} - Title of the current post
Embed (YouTube, Vimeo etc) - THe URL to a media embed item. Auto formatted for Instant Articles.
Related Posts - A block of 4 posts related to the current one. You can optionally set a title.
Select the position with your post where you'd like the Placement to appear.
Top - At the very beginning of the post. Do not put ads here or you'll get your account banned.
Bottom - At the very end of the post.
After Paragraph - After a set amount of paragraphs. Only refers to text paragraphs, not images or embeds.
After Words - After a set amount of words (snaps to the nearest paragraph). Counts images as 70 words as per Facebook's standard.
Add any filters to restrict the placement to certain posts.
Categories Filter - Include / Exclude. Only add the placement to Posts that either have or do not have these categories.
Tags Filter - Include / Exclude. Only add the placement to Posts that either have or do not have these tags.
Author Filter - Include / Exclude. Only add the placement to Posts that were either written by or not written by these authors.
Custom Filter - Create your own custom filter to restirct the placement to certain posts using any of the WP Query parms in URL format.
Start Date - The date the Placement will be active from. It will be applied to all posts that are updated or published after this date.
End Date - The date the Placement will run until. Leave blank to run a Placement indefinitely.
Now hit Add Placement and your Placement should be saved and Active.
Important. Due to the cached nature of Instant Articles, any changes to Placements are only applied to new posts or posts that have been updated after the Placement was modified. If you want to apply a Placement to your older posts you can use the Mass Post Syncer to update all your older posts.